Éclipse, the captivating robotic show at Futuroscope in France, seamlessly blends the realms of reality and virtuality. Developed exclusively in collaboration with the Cirque Éloize, a Quebec-based cultural producer known for merging circus arts, dance, and technology, this innovative spectacle unfolds within a technological framework animated by video mapping and mesmerizing light effects
In this groundbreaking show, an astonishing duo comprising a giant robot arm and a skilled performer transports you into a captivating world of video mapping, lasers, and special effects. The performance takes place at the Kube theatre and it’s a must-see for visitors to the Futuroscope park.
Éclipse blurs the boundaries between the tangible and the digital, immersing the audience in a spellbinding experience. Whether you’re a fan of cutting-edge technology or simply seeking awe-inspiring entertainment, this show promises to leave a lasting impression.